《它》摘抄 11

  • energy has a way of dissipating, you know; what can be done when you're eleven can often never be done again. (Pg 1373)

  • The whippoorwill cries again, Bill can see the first faint swirls of mist on the water, and he feels as if he has become a part of everything——this is a brief ecstasy which he will no more talk about than Beverly will later talk about the brief reflection she sees of two dead men who were, as boys, her friends. (Pg 1442)

  • My heart's with you, Bill, no matter how it turns out. My heart is with all of them, and I think that, even if we forget each other, we'll remember in our dreams. (Pg 1459)

  • "Hi-yo Sliver, AWAYYYYYYY!" Bill Denbrough cried deliriously, and rushed down the hill toward whatever there would be, aware for one last time of Derry as his place, aware most of all that he was alive under a real sky, and that all was desire, desire, desire. 

    He raced down the hill on Silver: he raced to beat the devil. (Pg 1468)

                                                                             ——Stephen King

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