Wolf Hollow 摘抄 6

And unpinned what turned out to be a gold star with a face engraved on the middle, set inside a wreath. At the top was an eagle perched on a bar that had the word VALOR on it. 

I turned it over. 

"What did you call Toby?" I asked Aunt Lily slowly. "A monster? A madman?"

I hand the star to my father, who looked at it closely and read aloud what was engraved on the back. "'The Congress to Tobias Jordan.'" He looked up at me, as pale as Aunt Lily. "Annabelle, this is a Congressional Medal of Honor." 

"Let me see that," Aunt Lily snapped. She scrutinized the medal, looking for a way out, but there was none. "Well, how were we supposed to know the man was a war hero?" she said, handing the medal on to my grandfather, who held it as if it were made of glass. 

"He wasn't," I said. "He would have told you that himself if the police hadn't killed him last night." (Pg 283)

                                                                               —Lauren Wolk


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